Medical Escort Services
Our Medical Escorts will take you where you need to go
Commercial Flights
Door to Door
Our friendly and professional staff will coordinate with the
patient’s contacts and medical providers to determine their
safe and efficient travel needs. On the way to your destination, SALA Medical Escorts will make sure that the patient’s needs are met with excellence, safety, and customer service; you are a top priority from door to door
Medical Escort, Wasilla, AK
SALA Medical staff are trained to perform at the highest level of excellence. You can rest assured that you or your loved one will be treated with dignity and respect throughout the transport.
Our medics carry a variety of tools to get the job done. Cardiac monitors, oxygen saturation monitors, medications, and any other pertinent items to make the transport smooth and efficient.
It doesn’t matter where the patient is, our medics can come to you for door-to-door services. Transport can be arranged to provide services directly from any location, to the terminal, and directly to your final location.
A Medical Escort provides safety and comfort for anyone
traveling with medical concerns including...
Medical Escorts provide the safety and security to travel when steady feet aren’t always a guarantee. Medical Escorts ensure travel is dignified and respects the independence of the patient.
Our highly trained Medical Escorts come equipped with the knowledge and training to handle your non-emergent chronic medical conditions to make your travel smooth and efficient.
Medical devices can be a normal part of life for some people, but it does not have to mean anyone needs to sacrifice their independence and ability to travel.
A Medical Escort will provide the peace of mind to know that any activity or movement limitations placed from recent procedures will be followed. Our Medical Escorts are experts at providing safe travels while making sure medical limitations are met.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Medical Escort is a service provided by a trained healthcare provider to assist in the transportation of a person using traditional transportation modalities like commercial flights, trains, bus rides, or ferries.
While ground and air ambulances are a fantastic solution for those who need emergency services, they can be costly, complex, and limit the autonomy of the patient.
Traveling can be stressful. Especially when there can be prolonged monitoring, treatments, or particular needs for a medical concern.